The Benefits of Antioxidants - To Stop Chronic Diseases And Support Anti Aging


Antioxidants are natural substances found mainly in vegetables, fruits, nuts and spices that help prevent or decrease oxidation which happens at the cellular levels. They do this by removing "free radicals", which, if left alone may oxidize cells - leading to inflammation and chronic diseases like diabetes, joint diseases, atherosclerosis, cancer, dementia and degenerative eye diseases. These harmful chemicals also accelerate the aging process.

Free radicals are atoms or molecules with an unpaired electron in an atom's outer shell. Being chemically unstable, they are highly reactive and able to cause damage to cells in the body. Some researchers believe that aging happens because cells accumulate free radical damage over time.

The main contributing factors to excessive free radicals in the body are eating the wrong food, stress, pollutants, smoking, more than exposure to ultraviolet light and harmful bacteria.

The intake of certain prescription drugs and chemotherapy are also connected to free radical formation in the body.

Foods high in free radicals include oil and fats (when heated to elevated temperature like in skillet ) overcooked meats and processed meats.

Eating too many sugary foods that cause the blood sugar to spike may also lead to an increase in this harmful chemical in the body

How Antioxidants Prevent Chronic Diseases and Aging?

Antioxidants prevent aging by neutralizing and removing free radicals in the body responsible for causing damage to body tissues. In doing so, they help block or slow down the impact of chronic diseases and also the aging process.

Are all Antioxidants the same?

Although the chemical function of antioxidants in the body is quite similar, some antioxidants are proven to provide added benefits to specific parts of the body. For examples: flavonoids protect the heart; beta-carotene protects the uterus; lycopene benefits the prostate gland; and, proanthocyanidin contribute to urinary tract health

It is also well established that some antioxidants are more powerful in their actions than others. For example, food astaxanthin is reputed to be 500 times more powerful than Vitamin E.

Sources of Antioxidants

The food sources for antioxidants are as follows:

B) Fruits - blueberries, grapes, cranberries, elderberries, blackberries apples, watermelon, wolfberry and citrus fruits

C ) Nuts and Seeds - pecans, walnuts, peanuts, kidney beans and flaxseed

P ) Beverages - red wine, green tea, cocoa

The foods listed above are not exhaustive but indicate the popular ones that are full of antioxidants.


Vitamins A, C, and E are among the well-known antioxidants whereas the trace elements selenium, zinc and copper are famous for encouraging the anti-oxidizing system in the body.

Other antioxidants that are popular for their health benefits include:

A) Curcumin- defense against cancer, Alzheimer's, heart diseases and arthritis

B) CoQ10 - helps those with heart issues, Parkinson's Disease, hypertension and chronic fatigue syndrome.

C ) Glutathione - helps the body produce enzymes, detoxification, digestion of fats and destruction of cancer cells.

P ) Lutein and Zeaxanthin - prevent cataracts and macular degeneration

F) Astaxanthin- reduces the chronic effect of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure

Are Supplements Necessary?

Obtaining your antioxidants from natural sources is better because of the complex mix of phytonutrients that you can get from fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices that you may not receive from nutritional supplements. However, if obtaining these health-giving nutrients from natural sources is a problem or if specific antioxidants are needed for managing certain health issues, supplements can still be of help.


I hope this article has given you a good overview of antioxidants and the role they play in preventing and healing chronic diseases


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